We the Italians October 5, 2015 - 69 | Page 26

th # 69 • OCTOBER 5 , 2015 are visible: The Large Baths and the Small Baths. The Small Baths had an outdoor frigidarium and round room with a coffered dome and 5 large windows. Decorated with precious stuccoes, these buildings were dedicated to the imperial family and their guests. The Large Baths, which were reserved for the personnel at the villa, had a heating system under the floor and an impressive round room used as a sudatorium. Of interest: A large cross-shaped roof in 26 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com a kind of island with an Ionic colonnade surrounded by a canal. Inside is the emperor’s private refuge, which was accessed Certainly, there are many by a system involving moplaces to visit within the vil- ving jetti la, including the Academy, Stadium, Imperial Palace, VILLA D'ESTE Hall of Philosophers, Greek theatre and Piazza d’O- It was commissioned by ro. The latter is a majestic Cardinal Ipplito II d’Este, complex that was used the governor of Tivoli staron official occasions to ting in 1550. He was loreceive guests and con- oking to relive the splentemplated a large peristy- dours of the courts of le enriched with very fine Ferrara, Rome and Fointastuccoes. Lastly, make nebleau in this villa. sure to visit the marvellous Maritime Theatre. It’s The impressive number the main room that is still in perfect balance, despite 1 of the 4 support pillars having collapsed.