# 69 •OCTOBER 5 , 2015
rectangular shapes and
must be between 3 and
centimetres thick. After
being prepared, it undergoes salting for a period
of four to fourteen days.
The part on the surface
can be covered with chilli
powder and other natural
ingredients. The seasoning lasts for at least 30
days. When it is ready to
be tasted, Pancetta di Calabria DOP has a rectangular shape with a variable
thickness of between 3
and 5 cm. When it is cut,
it has a pink colour with
alternating thin streaks of
lean and fat, and it has a
delicious flavour.
Soppressata di Calabria
DOP is prepared with
a mixture of medium
ground fresh pork meat taken from the thigh, shoulder and tenderloin,The
mixture combines the carefully chosen fat taken
from the lard from the upper part of the loin close
to the neck with natural
aromatic ingredients (salt,
spicy or sweet red chilli,
black pepper and wine).
The lard selected must
stay within a variable percentage of between 4 and
15% for each kilogram of Salsiccia di Calabria DOP
meat process. The seaso- is prepared with a mixtuning lasts at least 45 days. re of ground fresh pork
meat, lard and natural aroSoppressata di Calabria matic ingredients: salt and
DOP has the following spicy or sweet red chilcharacteristics when pre- li. The percentage of the
sented to the consumer: lard content in the mixture
its shape is similar to a must stay between 6 and
slightly flattened cylin- 20% for each kilogram of
der between 10 and 18 meat processed. The mixcm long with a diameter ture is stuffed into natural
of between 4 and 8 cm; pork casings, then pierwhen cut, it has solid look ced and hand woven into
bordering on soft, with a the characteristic chain or
natural red or bright red horseshoe shape.
colouration depending on
the ingredients used. The The seasoning takes at lewords indicated on the ast 30 days. The words inlabel may include “spicy”, dicated on the label may
“sweet”, or “white”, accor- include “spicy”, “sweet”,
ding to whether the Sop- or “white”, according to
pressata di Calabria DOP whether the Salsiccia di
was processed using spi- Calabria DOP was procy chilli, sweet chilli or no duced using spicy chilli,
chilli respectively.
sweet chilli or no chilli respectively.