# 73 •novemBER 30 , 2015
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The contribution of the Italian Americans in shaping
and representing the American judiciary system
One of the most important and powerful fields
of the American society,
what we can generally call
“the judiciary system”, has
seen and sees a very large
number of successful Italian Americans. This is very
important, because it means that not only they were
able to reach economic
success and make money,
as we’ve already seen; but
that they also gained the
trust of the American people, being lawyers or pro- Bar Association
secutors or judges, from
the local level up to the Fran, what’s the story of
Supreme Court.
your Italian family, and
when did it become an
To address this topic we’re Italian American story?
meeting one of those successful Italian Americans: My family’s story really beFrancis Donnarumma is gan on one mountain top,
a lawyer, the Secretary of in Italy, in the province
the National Italian Ame- of Avellino. It is a typical
rican Bar Association and story. Francesco DonnaPast President of the Con- rumma, my grandfather,
necticut Italian American
By Umberto Mucci
was born in the town of
Frigento and my other
grandfather, Michele Giordano, was born on the
very same mountain top,
in the town called Sturno. The two young men –
twelve and fourteen years
old – left Italy and came
to US around 1910. They
had not known know each
other in Italy. Each arrived
in Waterbury, Connecticut.