We the Italians November 21, 2016 - 85 | Page 34

st st # 85 NOVEMBER 21 , 2016 to this mythical tail of hay. I remember that I once forgot the milk out of the fridge, but I pretended I didn’t do it, and my mom told me I had a tail of hay. And then, there was that time in which my brother and I broke a ceramic angel on top of the shelf, but we glued it back together, and just by looking at our expressions she asked us if we had a tail of hay for some reason. Well, it kind of seems that every time I did something wrong, and I really, really feared I was going to get caught, I had a tail of hay. Mystery solved! Having a tail of hay, in fact, means exactly that: the feeling you get while trying to avoid humiliation or shame for your actions. Even though in my case, I actually always got busted. # 85 November 21 2016 had to parade all around town. Moreover, the town people might light the tail on fire as an additional punishment. Not really a gesture of kindness. The tail was put as a symbol of degradation from human to the state of animals. This punishment would not only create a sense of humiliation, but also of guilt, responsibility of the mistake made, and mistrust of all the people around the humiliated. All emotions that a person, like me, who had a tail of hay felt before. This version also seems to have some historical base. In Manipulus Florum, Galvano Fiamma describes an event in which the Milanese people made the defeated people of Pavia walk out of their town with a tail of hay attached. an ancient tale in which a fox got his tail caught in a trap while trying to get some chickens in a farm. The fox managed to free itself and run away, but it lost its beautiful tail. Too ashamed to go around and be seen without its tail, the fox decided to attached a fake tail, made out of hay, trying to fool the other animals. However, the farm owners notice the fake tail and lit a fire in front of every chicken-coop. The fox, afraid of catching on fire, couldn’t get close to the chicken-coop Whichever you decide to and to the chickens anyThe origin of the expresbelieve, the fable or the more. The fox hasn’t been sion is not really clear, themore vicious historical that cleaver after all. re are many theories, and, version, either one didn’t as it is with all things like end very well for the proThe second version goes this, everyone wants to be tagonists of the stories. It’s back to an old Medieval the one who used it first really up to you to decide. custom. As a humiliation or invented it. However, I’ll Anyhow, you have to be to defeated enemies or narrow it down to my two careful, if you have a tail of as a punishment to crimifavorites. hay, it won’t be long befonals, people used to attare it catches on fire! ch a tail made out of hay In the first version, the expression derives from to them, with which they read more #Italian Little Italies ITALIAN LITTLE ITALIES: Fornelli, The country of the seven towers By I Borghi più belli d’Italia One of the best preserved village of Molise with planning system that still reflects the original one, to make it interesting is the small village of stoves, of course excluding the buildings recently built, anonymous and of poor quality, that extends outside of the historic center. It is almost a miracle that the curtain wall is preserved, even if the towers were adapted to the needs of the inhabitants. Although not having buildings of particular architectural rec alls, this small village is therefore valuable for the compactness of its historic urban structure, a rarity in other 34 | WE THE ITALIANS WE THE ITALIANS | 35 www.wetheitalians.com www.wetheitalians.com