# 60 • MAY 17 , 2015
# 60 • MAY 17 , 2015
read more about #Italian Flavors
By Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele with MiPAAF
the representation of the perfect proportions of the human
body, with the demonstration
of the impossibility to contain
it in circle or square shapes.
Essential is his contribution to
all scientific disciplines. He studied fossils, giving to this field
very important conclusions; he
explains the gravitational force, comparing the planets to
magnets attracting each other;
he intuits in botany, three centuries before the official theories, that the leaves of the trees
are distributed according to
mathematics laws. In the field
of inventions and designs, he
imagines a flying machine and
systems to soak in water: he
will use his insights in anatomy,
reasoning on the functioning
of blood circulation, heart, muscles and bones.
Leonardo will also provide important insights for the development of music, designing
instruments whose systems will the Mona Lisa a new formube used centuries later in the la, more monumental and yet
more animated, more concredesigns of musical projects.
te, and yet more poetic than
Considered the greatest ma- that of his predecessors. Befonifestation of the Renaissance, re him, the portraits were comLeonardo, not linked to any pletely missing any mystery;
city, State or Prince, is the first the artists were showing just
example of the cosmopolitani- external forms without soul or,
sm of Italian intellectuals, uni- when they were characterizing
que in Europe: an expression the soul, it was trying to reach
of a gap between culture and the audience through gestupeople destined to be prolon- res, symbolic objects or wriged until today.
tings. The Gioconda uniquely
exudes an enigma: the soul is
But the name of Leonardo da present, but inaccessible".
Vinci is naturally tied to what
probably is the most famous The myth of Leonardo da Vinci
work of art in the world, por- remains timeless. Even today
trait par excellence, the most his name and his character
famous and admired artistic stand for the collective as a
manifestation of all: “La Gio- symbol of knowledge even
conda”. The woman of the por- before one of the many discitrait of the Mona Lisa, stored plines in which th R