We the Italians May 16, 2016 - 79 | Page 4

th tH # 79 MAY 16 , 2016 # 79 MAY 16 , 2016 read previous #Editorials EDITORIAL #79: What’s up with WTI Sciame, President of the Conference of the Presidents of the Major Italian American Organizations; and Anthony Tamburri, Dean of the Calandra Institute. love with Italy and very interested in We the Italians. My thanks go to my friend Lorenzo Agnoloni who brought me there, to Fran Donnarumma who represents them in the book, and to the two young vigorous kind President and Vice President, Daniel Elliott and Cristina Salamone. Guys, I’ll be waiting for you in Rome! By Umberto Mucci Ciao from Rome! Welcome to the 79th issue of our online magazine. The second tour of presentations of We the Italians – the book has been a big success! Once again I’ve been lucky to meet a lot of committed successful Italian Americans and Italians recently moved to the US, and tell them about the wonderful 100 interviewees and their stories. Everything started with the NIAF Gala in Manhattan: 500 important personalities celebrating Italy in the US, a blessing for We the Italians to be there meeting many interesting and dedicated people. The second gala that saw We the Italians attending has been the one from AIAE, in 4 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com Long Island. Josephine Maietta and her group did a fantastic job in telling and awarding and representing the Italians in one of the most important field of everybody’s life, education. On a personal level, I’ve been happy to meet Mrs. Matilda Cuomo, one of the 100 interviewees but more important one of my favorite personalities at all, ever. I’ve also been live with on my friend Giovanna Auriemma’s radio show on www.wrhu.org! Lots of fun and Italy on a Sunday morning! On May 3 I had the honor to be joined by three outstanding leaders of the Italian American community in my presentation at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute: Aileen Riotto Sirey, Founder and Chair Emerita of NOIAW; Joseph Then I moved to Connecticut, where on May 4 I had the honor to be the keynote speaker at the Spring Gala of the Connecticut Italian American Bar Associa- The day after the presentation in Gretion. I found a marvelous group of kind, enwich saw a large participation of pucompetent Italian American lawyers, in blic, with a big group of Italian emigrated from Calabria: this time the interviewee I had the pleasure to have with me was Anthony Riccio, author, teacher, a friend. On May 6 I had the opportunity to present my book at the only Italian American bookstore in the US: I AM Books in the North End, Boston’s Little Italy. With me I had two young successful Italians who were born in Italy and recently moved in the US: Nicola Orichuia and Gianluca De Novi. It has been a wonderful opportunity to talk about Italy and the US in a historical place. So, once again, thanks to all the organizers and those who attended to the events! More to come in October, but now the focus will be on Italy: in June WE THE ITALIANS | 5 www.wetheitalians.com