We the Italians March 22, 2015 - 56 | Page 12

nd # 56 • MARCH 22 , 2015 mild climate and fertile lands with Greece, Crete, Spain and so forth and that allows us to benefit from a huge variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and legumes. In one of the latest studies by the Harvard Medical School, the Mediterranean diet is praised, again, for providing great benefits for our health helping in reducing risks for vascular and cardio-vascular diseases, not to mention lowering cholesterol levels and helping the immune system. Why is # 56 • MARCH 8 or a local dish. Think of the eggplants: we roast them, we use them in our caponata siciliana (tasty dish from Sicily), for the parmigiana, we fry them with some flour or we boil them to make gorgeous “polpette” and so forth. The variety must be added to our undiscussed key ingredient: the extra-virgin olive oil that we use for our dressings, as a main condiment, in It is the variety of these ingre- a sauce or as a final tasty touch dients and the huge possibili- on some dishes. ties in cooking them that make the difference: the same veg- In sum, the Italian way of cogie can be cooked in several oking and eating, within the ways according to a regional, bigger picture of the Mediterthis diet so special? First of all let’s clarify that it is not a “diet” in the common sense of the word: it is a life style as indicated earlier. We do not simply eat a lot of fruit, veggies, legumes, fresh fish, lean meat and not a lot of dairy products, not to mention pastry only on Sundays or for special occasions and festivities. nd 2015 ranean-diet, is healthy because it has simple key ingredients (oil-vinegar-tomato-onion/ garlic), it is extremely diversified (local and regional variety), it is essentially respectful to the taste and to the eyesight (a typical Italian dish needs to be tasty and looks real, not necessarily perfect) and mostly, it is a healthy way of conceiving life itself! Buon Appetito. Images: cdn2.hubspot.net/ hub/251389/file-599806772-jpg/ Italian_food.jpg; static.panoramio. com/photos/large/60273351. jpg; www.affaritaliani.it/static/upl/ mam/mammaagata1.jpg; www. dangerouslyfit.com.au/wp-content/ uploads/2013/11/628x471.jpg 12 | WE THE ITALIANS WE THE ITALIANS | 13 www.wetheitalians.com www.wetheitalians.com