# 63 • JUNE 28 , 2015
across open country (Riva di
Cjastenêt) to Borgo Riolo, built
at the end of the 16th century.
Religous people may make a
tour of seven churches, where
five old organs can be found:
in the Parish church of Madrisio
there is one made by Nacchini
(1752); the Comelli’s, one from
1788, with its splendid inlayed
keyboard made of ebony and
ivory, is located in the Church
of Santa Maria Assunta in Fagagna. In the Parish church of
Villalta there is a “Calido” dating from 1792. Organs made
by Valentino Zanin (1827) and
Beniamino Zanin (1903), are,
respectively, located in the
churches of Ciconicco and S.
Giacomo in Fagagna.
Finally, the Villalta castle is worth a visit, even if it can only be
seen from the outside, because today it is privately owned.
It is located in the middle of
the country with its tower and
walls dating from 1216, when
it was mentioned for the fist
time in local chronicles as the
property owned by the noble
family of Villaltas.
The name
The name derives from Latin
word fagus, beech tree (Faganeu and then Fagagna). It refers to forests that once covered this part of Friuli.
The product
The famous Fagagna cheese is the real heir of the tradition of dairy manufacturing.
The farmers cooperative for
dairy products, established in
1885, was the first of its kind
in Friuli. Today, there are