We the Italians June 14, 2015 - 62 | Page 50

th # 62 • JUNE 12 , 2015 EXPO 2015 Biodiversity Narratives: the Exhibition An exhibition illustrating the history of biodiversity issues around the planet has been created within the Biodiversity Park grounds by the Expo Milano 2015 Advisory Committee. The exhibition follows a circular route, leading the visitor through nine main circular areas and four secondary spaces. 50 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com oil and wine; 4) livestock produce; The first section is entitled, "Intro- 5) herbal products, supplements, duction to the theme". From the- well-being; 6) services, technolore, visitors decide whether to go gies, training, certification clockwise: from the past into the future, or anti-clockwise: from the fu- Each area is complemented by ture to the past. The sections are: 1) examples of outstanding achieveIntroduction to the theme; 2) Wild: ments on the part of farmers who, Biodiversity Before the Advent of through their commitment, passion Agriculture; 3) Domestication, Far- and innovation, have helped to proming and Agrobiodiversity; 4) The tect natural ecosystems and biodiGreat Voyages; 5) Crop Rotation; 6) versity. The installation will be baThe “Green Revolution”; 7) Beyond sed on multi-media technologies, the “Green Revolution”; 8) Innova- evoking the land and products. tions, Technologies, and a Future That is Already Here; 9) Now What? The last part of the Pavilion includes an Organic Store, in partnerIndoor space: the Organic and Na- ship with NaturaSì; and an Organic Restaurant, in partnership with Alce tural Products Pavilion Nero-Berberè. The Organic and Natural Products Pavilion forms the heart of the Biodiversity Park, a place to learn about organic production th ɽ՝