We the Italians June 14, 2015 - 62 | Page 33

th # 62 • June 12 , 2015 read more about #Italian Little Italies ITALIAN LITTLE ITALIES: Oratino, The loner of Sannio By I Borghi più belli d’Italia The talented local craftsmen of Oratino could express their art mainly thanks to the patronage of the Dukes Giordano (VIVII century). Portals, balconies, balustrades of the aristocratic houses, as well as the interior of the churches represent the noble work by blacksmiths, stonemasons, gilders, glaziers and painters. A historian described Oratino as "a place where many arts in perfect taste are cultivated" (1781). In fact, there are no other towns in Molise that can boast such a concentration of artists and artisans. Many of them trained in Neapolitan school and left traces of their work until the areas of Capitanata, Sannio Beneventano and Abruzzo. della Vergine” by Ciriaco Brunetti completed in 1791. The rocaille style (an artistic style preceding the rococo) used by this artist from Oratino emerges particularly in the preparatory studies for the decoThe tour begins from the Chur- rations of vaults, ceilings and ch of Santa Maria Assunta, in trompe-l´oeil. the old town. The building Santa Maria Assunta also houwas already reported in a do- ses a silver monstrance by the cument dating back to 1251. goldsmith Isaiah Salati, a CiriaThe church was renovated se- co Brunetti’s grandson (1838). veral times, especially after the earthquake of 1456; the vault Out of the village is the Church of the nave preserves a fresco of Santa Maria di Loreto, wherepresenting an “Assunzione re you can admire the applied WE THE ITALIANS | 33 www.wetheitalians.com