We the Italians June 14, 2015 - 62 | Page 16

th # 62 • JUNE 12 , 2015 oil, the juice of a tomato or the classic “cialledda” (cold bread salad) of the shepherds. Some say that what makes Pane di Altamura PDO the best in the world is its close link with the local production of durum wheat, which is used in a re-milled form to make it. Pane di Altamura PDO can be recognised by the label displaying the operator code and the production company, which should be located in one of the municipalities, specified in the production rules. The thickness of the crust must be at least 3 mm and the inside of the bread must have uniform air pockets, indicating proper leavening by the natural yeast that is used. Production The dough, made from flour, yeast, salt and water, is mixed by a kneader with mechanical arms at a temperature of 18°C for twenty minutes. The sourdough is obtained with a minimum of three refreshments to increase the fermented dough through the addition of water and durum wheat semolina, in a proportion of 20% to the 16 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com quantity of re-milled durum wheat flour. To complete the dough preparation, it is covered with a cotton cloth of a certain thickness so that it rises at an even temperature. At this stage, the dough must rest for at least ninety minutes. the oven and placed on wooden boards or in baskets. The local area Pane di Altamura DOP is produced solely and exclusively in the production area defined and specified in the production rules. This area includes the It is then weighed and given towns of Altamura, Minervino, an initial shaping by hand, Poggiorsini, Gravina in Apulia after which it is left to rest for and Spinazzola. another thirty minutes. A further manual shaping is then Altamura, the great cereal cenperformed, followed by a rest tre of Apulia, is in the heart of period of at least fifteen mi- the Murge plateau, a few kinutes. Before baking, the loaf lometres from Bari. The raw is turned over and then brou- materials, the bread-making ght to the oven with light hand system with natural leavepressure applied to one side. ning and the climate give the The oven, fired by wood or gas product a unique fragrance with indirect heat, must reach a and delightful taste. The protemperature of 250°C. duction of Pane di Altamura DOP is an art bound to an anThe first stage of the baking cient and noble tradition that is done with the oven open. has been handed down for After fifteen minutes, the oven generations. mouth is closed and it is left to bake for another forty-five mi- Interesting facts nutes. The oven mouth is nor- In its round, doughnut shamally left open for at least five pe, Pane di Altamura DOP is minutes to allow the steam to known as “piccilatidd, i.e. “picescape and thereby facilitate cio” or bread for the whim of the drying of the crust, which a child, who can be placated becomes crispy. The loaves of with something that tastes bread are then removed from good.