# 74 •nECEMBER 14 , 2015
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Happy 100th Birthday to The Voice!
By Umberto Mucci
It is not easy to say something new about a singer everybody called “The
Voice”: probably the most
important and compete
artist of the American XX
century. Still, as this man
was an Italian American,
and on December 12 he
would have turned 100,
we feel important to dedicate one of our interviews
to the legend of the great
Frank Sinatra.
To do that, we have spoken
with Salvatore “Sal” Turchio: he is the State Historian of the OSIA Grand
Lodge of New Jersey, the
State where Frank Sinatra
was born. We thank him
because he helps us remembering the best, who
will always live in the heart
of all the Italians spread
all over the world, and not
Sal, please tell us something about the Italian “Martin” or “Marty” Sinatra, as he was known
roots of Frank Sinatra
in America, was born on
Francis Albert Sinatra was May 4, 1892 in Palagonia
born on December 12, (provincia di Catania), Si1915 in Hoboken, New cilia. Marty Sinatra becaJersey, the only child of me a boxer and fought
Italian immigrants Saverio under the name of “Marty
Antonino Martino Sinatra O’Brien,” because the Iriand Natalina Maria Vito- sh controlled just about
ria Garaventa, who was everything in Hoboken
and would not allow him
known as Dolly.
to box under his Italian