We the Italians December 14, 2015 - 74 | Page 35

th # 74 •DECEmBER 14 , 2015 the increasing integration between agriculture and tourism (with the implicit role of the natural and cultural heritage ); in the industrial field of "machines that make machines" (the real cutting edge of Italian manufacture). cle and in the socio-political debate, begins to assert its self-consistency. In the tectonic movements that lead us forward, "the remnant wins": that which does not access to the stage and to the lights of visibility.  It is from the "great remnant" that the re-apThe society of “the rem- propriation of our collectinant” ve identity can restart. In the earlier stages of development, the question of social recognition was directed to the world of social representation, to the socio-political dialectics and to state power. But today these are not the right calls, because all three realities are in deep crisis. And because the society now seems unwilling to speak as a subject of question. It expresses itself, instead, in the spontaneous dynamic described above, yet considered as a residual: a "remnant", in comparison to the big themes described by the mass communication.  But the "remnant", which has not yet entered in the chroni- "The remnant has marked the history of the Italian development of the last fifty years, which is also the history of Censis who described it. What does remain today of the great globalization process seen as westernization of the world? The polycentrism of many different developments and the difficult growth of a polyarchy, "said Giuseppe De Rita, President of Censis, illustrating the annual report of the institute. "In our story, the remnant of the myth of big business and of the frontiers was the under the counter economy and the development of self-employment.  The remnant of the myth of the complex organization and of Fordism was the small business and the molecular professionalization.  The remnant of the class struggle in the big factories has been the long drift of middle class.  The remnant of the attention to the hegemony of the ruling class was the multiplication of the intermediate actors and the culture of the accompaniment.  The remnant of the primacy of the metropolis was the localism of districts and villages.  The remnant of the carefree season of consumption is the wisdom of the sober consumer.  The remnant of the long season of the primacy of ideology is today the continued empiricism of an evolving society.  And the processes of real development of the country here described are the remnant of the many discussions that took place in the last da ys about war. " WE THE ITALIANS | 35 www.wetheitalians.com