We the Italians December 14, 2015 - 74 | Page 20

th # 74 •nECEMBER 14 , 2015 The jewellery of the era also had to be a feature: “granatelle” garnets with gold emblems, “laccetti” (laces), “incannature” (spools) made of gold and coral and silver filigree buttonholes, all made by artisans who created miniatures of the actual jewels owned by the nobles or the bourgeois nouveau rich. 20 | WE THE ITALIANS www.wetheitalians.com The presence of so many oriental characters in the nativity may seem to contradict the efforts made to represent the traditional aspects of the situation at the time faithfully, but Naples' historic tolerance and hospitality towards other nations has always been a special characteristic of this kingdom. The frenzy for enriching and embellishing was such that everything was recreated and depicted: fruitbowls, taverns with their ‘sperlonghe’ (large oval plates), tureens for soup, saucers, tankards “co’ pizzo ’e papere” and the product of toil in the fields, created by skilled modellers.