We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine October 2019 | Page 27

About the author: Julie Alonzo and her home-bred Andalusian mare CDC Memoria, currently compete at the Intermediate A level.

For more information about Working Equitation, please visit our website: www.WEUnited.us.

Team members assist in maintaining the remaining cattle in the containment zone. As soon as the rider has cut his/her selected animal and herded it over the foul line, one or more team riders may assist the designated rider with herding it into the holding pen. If the remaining team member moves into the herd containment zone, he/she must leave the zone immediately with a penalty or the rider will be disqualified.

If a correctly sorted cow escapes back to the herd prior to a rider completing the run, the rider may continue until the time is up. An escaped cow is one with any part of the animal re-crossing the foul line.

When introducing competitors to the Cattle Trial, clinicians emphasize the importance of taking things slowly, enabling both horses and riders to learn how to “read” the cattle and gain confidence in moving them from place to place. Generally, those who enter the herd slowly and calmly realize greater success than those who rush in or try to separate their designated cow too quickly.

Advice for success includes:


Focus on your designated cow – don’t take your eyes off of it. This helps your horse remain focused on the job at hand, and you’re less likely to be “left behind” if you need to change direction to stay with the cow.


Use your dressage skills of reinback, shoulder-in, haunches in, leg yield, and half pass to assist you in cutting the cow out of the herd.


Communicate with your partners so they know how best to help you. Let them know if you need them to “open a hole” in the line to let you and your cow out of the containment zone, block another beast from coming out with you when you bring your cow across the line, and/or help you herd your cow to the holding pen at the far end of the arena.

Stay calm and enjoy the experience!

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