We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine October 2017 | Page 38

38 / Sport and Trail Magazine

Continuing from last month Freshman ETS Northwest Ambassadors Jaci Weishaar and Ian Jones share a more in-depth look at their roles.

"This is my first year taking on the role of ETS Ambassador of the Northwest region, a role I partner with Ian Jones," Jaci Weishaar tells us. "It has been wonderful having a partner to share the region with. The Northwest region is a vast space, that makes it difficult to try to be there for everyone, every weekend. Splitting the job has made our roles much easier. We occasionally cover for one another when needed. We have made a point to try to have one of us at every host's ride this year. Next year the format will be a little different. We have confidence that our ride hosts will be ready to rock on their own. We will however, remain just a phone call away. Doing this will allow us more time to expand into areas that are lacking rides but have a strong ridership and people wanting to become ride hosts.”

This year, under the guidance of their NW region’s ambassadors ETS held over 45 rides between Oregon and Washington. The goal for next year is to expand into Idaho and possibly Wyoming. As Jaci says, “We value this organization and what it does for us as host as well as riders. I enjoy knowing that we can continue to expand the NW region and the fun we have doing it. This is why we volunteer our time to be Ambassadors. As long as we plan accordingly, our responsibilities are manageable. We have a group of wonderful hosts and riders that make our jobs easier!”

One of the benefits of being an ETS Ambassador is they are allowed to ride in events like anyone else. They do not have any inside information that gives them any benefit. Anything they know, they share with the riders, the same information they have is available on the Equine Trail Sports website.

Jaci's partner in the Northwest region, Ian Jones, tells of the positive experience he has felt as an Ambassador. "The joy I get from watching a rider’s relationship with their equine partner grow over a season makes me want to work that much harder. The program allows me to be the cheerleader for the rider who needs one or the calm voice of reason when things aren't going exactly as planned for the ride host. Being part of that within my community is the greatest honor you can have," states Ian.


ETS Ambassador for the Pacific N.W. Region Ian Jones of Tacoma, Washington