We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine February 2018 | Page 18

it is as I don’t know what this card means. But a greater thought of curiosity told me I should pick this card up and take it with me. Not to pass it by in my rush to get the next town some 15 miles away where there was a promise of shelter that I could dry off in. What I learned about the card in the days to come still gives me chills, even as I speak about it now.

He is someone who’s ruled by his heart rather his head.

When faced with a decision, he will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not. Decisions will be made without much thought and instead they are made drawing upon inner direction. With the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone, this card was and is me. It was the confirmation I needed and found.

I’m not telling you, or anyone to hike the Pacific Crest Trail because you will have some greater understanding of the world. I can only say that we all need to have a journey, one that is as old as time itself. The world we live in today has captured our attention and imagination making us think we have to want more than we need. The journey isn’t how far you’ve gone, but it’s how much you have. The truth I have found is simply that you won’t understand anything until you’ve returned to the place that you started. Only then, will you truly understand where you are going. Don’t go looking for the answers to what you think will heal you. Follow the path we are all on and if you give it the time and space, you will see it. There is a Thief in us all, but more importantly, there is The Wild In Us. So, don’t let it steal your life.

For more information on The Wild In Us Project visit http://www.thewildinus.org/

For more information on the Ataxia Foundation visit https://ataxia.org/

made drawing upon inner direction. With the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone, this card was and is me. It was the confirmation I needed and found.

I’m not telling you, or anyone to hike the Pacific Crest Trail because you will have some greater understanding of the world. I can only say that we all need to have a journey, one that is as old as time itself. The world we live in today has captured our attention and imagination making us think we have to want more than we need. The journey isn’t how far you’ve gone, but it’s how much you have. The truth I have found is simply that you won’t understand anything until you’ve returned to the place that you started. Only then, will you truly understand where you are going. Don’t go looking for the answers to what you think will heal you. Follow the path we are all on and if you give it the time and space, you will see it. There is a Thief in us all, but more importantly, there is The Wild In Us. So, don’t let it steal your life.

For more information on The Wild In Us Project visit http://www.thewildinus.org/

For more information on the Ataxia Foundation visit https://ataxia.org/

The card is called The Knight of Cups. Pictured on it is a knight riding a white horse, with a cup out-reached as if he is a messenger of some type. He is wearing a cloak covered with the images of fish, the symbol of the sprit, consciousness, and creativity. His helmet and feet are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination. This knight also looks to his emotions to provide a map for his life direction.

He is someone who’s ruled by his heart rather than his head.

When faced with a decision, he will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not. Decisions will be made without much thought and instead they are made drawing upon inner direction. With the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone, this card was and is me. It was the confirmation I needed and found.

I’m not telling you, or anyone to hike the Pacific Crest Trail because you will have some greater understanding of the world. I can only say that we all need to have a journey, one that is as old as time itself. The world we live in today has captured our attention and imagination making us think we have to want more than we need. The journey isn’t how far you’ve gone, but it’s how much you have. The truth I have found is simply that you won’t understand anything until you’ve returned to the place that you started. Only then, will you truly understand where you are going. Don’t go looking for the answers to what you think will heal you. Follow the path we are all on and if you give it the time and space, you will see it. There is a Thief in us all, but more importantly, there is The Wild In Us. So, don’t let it steal your life.

For more information on

The Wild In Us Project visit


For more information on

the Ataxia Foundation visit
