We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine December 2016 | Page 26

My friends and I made a saddle club for this ride called Broke Ass Folks. Why the crazy name?? Well we are just like most people these days, broke, happy to ride horses but have big hearts willing to give and help when we can.

in our group we had 3 Superstar Riders, Lynda Shackelford, Mike Stewart, and myself, Leesa Wright. Lynda and I rode in the parade with some of the other Superstar riders. (Superstar riders are riders who have raised over $1,000 in donations.)

We had two riders that rode in the poker run. Adam Crane and Lynda tried their hand at the obstacle challenge that was set up on the beach. And we all rode on the beach. I even went swimming when my colt Sonny got scared by a wave and unseated me. Sorry, there are no pictures of that. Lol!!

We also had two very special riders with us. One was Christina Aldridge and her totally blind paint horse Tahoe. Tahoe was at the beach ride two years ago and at that time he had site in one eye. Now totally blind he puts all his faith and trust into his rider Christina. They are an amazing team to watch.

And last but not least my husband Dwayne Wright, stroke survivor. Back in 2000 my husband had a stroke way too early in his life. He has worked hard to come this far. So this year was not just a bucket list ride for us. It was a way to say thank you and give back. Without people like the 1,277 riders this year raising money, $315,000 this year, my husband may not be here.

Folks ask why donate?? My husband is why, but the best answer is Life, Life is why. So if you ever get the chance to go, GO! If you can't go, help by donating to a rider going. All this money goes to the American Heart Association. This was not just a ride or a

bucket list ride, its a life

changing ride. As for

me and my friends we

are already making

plans to go next year.

Please feel free to join us!!


Broke Ass Folks Club