We Ride Sport and Trail Magazine April 2017 | Page 14

Professional Cutting Horse Trainer, Personal Performance Coach, Author, Clinician, and Equine Consultant. In 2012 Barbra was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame

How to Ride from Strength

Why is it we have a tendency to not always recognize the best in ourselves and in our horses?

When it comes to the horses, of course we care intensely for them, and we see them as generally wonderful … but when it comes to getting on and riding off, we worry about what we don’t want to happen. Often we’re not thinking of their best, or expecting it.

And when it comes to ourselves … well we can all be our own worst critics.

But what if you viewed those areas of concern as just the next steps you need to take to improve? And what if you saw your horse’s “weaknesses” as their next steps, too?

14 / Sport and Trail Magazine




What if you made sure you spent real time each day thinking about what is the best of you? What have you already mastered? What are you most proud of about your riding?

What if you celebrated how far you’ve come … everyday?

If you do this, you would approach all you do from a feeling of strength, instead of lack.

I’m not pretending that you (like the rest of us) don’t have a lot to learn. You will always be on a learning road. So, as you move forward, ride from confidence in what you know … and excitement for what’s to come. You will still work on whatever it is you need to work on … but not from fear … but from strength and trust in what you do already know.

And do the same for your horse.

You have an incredible spirit. You have a natural vitality and a vibrancy that are all yours.

So does your horse.

Of course you will keep growing, but just make sure you don’t miss out on the great stuff of today. This is your adventure with your horse. It should never be compared to another person’s experience.

As you move forward toward your dreams in 2017, go with strength and fun. Celebrate the best of you and your horse. Have a blast as you go!