We Help The Homeless Introductory Issue | Page 9

LACK OF KNOWLEDGE IS CRIPPLING OUR NATION     Are you moved with compassion when you see someone who is obviously homeless walking down the streets of your city? Do you wonder about the circumstances that led them to their present condition? Do you ever think about what you could do to help, but shy away from doing more than sharing a bag of hot food or offering the spare change you are carrying at the moment? Most people are intimidated by the thought of committing to more than these types of brief encounters with people who are enduring homelessness. It is a tough issue, but it’s an even tougher reality for the person who has no place to call home. Have you even noticed that there are homeless people walking down the streets of your city? The fact is, the plight of those who are homeless in America is having great financial impact on the lives of those of you who work hard, pay your taxes, and go about the business of living your life. Wouldn’t you like to know more about how you can help change that frustrating reality? Recent debates about drug testing for welfare recipients assures me that the issue is at the forefront of our collective thoughts, and that people are more than concerned about accountability for the use of disability benefits. Connie Spurlock, The Formerly Homeless Troubleshooter © 2014 All Rights Reserved wehelpthehomeless.com