We Help The Homeless Introductory Issue | Page 11

HOMELESS SHELTERS There are scores of shelters across America, and each one of them has a different set of rules, regulations and eligibility criteria. The current system is a frightening reality for the people who need assistance, and is totally overwhelming for someone who is already in a desperate frame of mind. Many of our nation’s citizens are filled with indifference towards those who are experiencing home lessness. The despair of homelessness often drives people to panhandle outside of restaurants, convenience stores and public events. “Why don’t they just go to a shelter…” is a common response when people are approached by someone at these types of neighborhood locations. People who are consumed with their own needs and priorities can be harsh, cruel and even hostile toward homeless individuals who are bold enough, or desperate enough to ask for some help. Homelessness is being criminalized in many of our cities and states, placing even more pressure on those who have no place to call home. You may think that the plight of homeless Americans is none of your concern, and has no impact on your life. I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth! If you work and pay taxes in America, your bottom line is being deeply affected by the needs of those who are wandering the streets of our nation. Perhaps those who are homeless don’t show up in your immediate neighborhood, but rest assured, WE are paying a steep price for failing to meet the complex needs of those who have no place to call home. Connie Spurlock, The Formerly Homeless Troubleshooter © 2014 All Rights Reserved wehelpthehomeless.com