WE-BE MAGAZINE Summer 2013 | Page 24

Where It All Begins How can you learn not to judge others? Do you judge yourself? When you start your day, do you judge the first person you see in the mirror? This is where it all starts. It’s a known fact that someone can only like or love someone else from the viewpoint and/or attitude that they truly love themselves. It can also be a challenge and seem hard for some to love themselves because they feel judged or don’t always feel accepted by their peers. People pick up on energy! Try starting your day with a smile and love in your heart for yourself. Then, project that towards those around you, instead of coming from negative, tense or judgmental vibes. You will attract good energy and people will be drawn towards you, instead of away from you. When you accept yourself, it is easier to accept others and for others to accept you. It is a psychological fact that people hurt and punish others to relieve the pain of their own self-hatred or insecurities. So it all starts with self-love! When we make peace with the way we feel about ourselves, we realize we don’t want to judge anyone the way we have been judging our self or been judged by others, because we know how it feels to hurt. When you wake up every day you have to live with yourself; you will walk with yourself, throughout all of your life. The only one true best friend you will ever 100% know you can count on for anything, is yourself. Start working on that relationship-- knowing and trusting yourself and your inner voice now. As you grow in life, you will find that your one true friend you have always wished you could have is right there inside of you and is always with you, no matter what. By Olivia Jensen