WE-BE MAGAZINE May 2013 | Page 3

APRIL/MAY ISSUE 2013 4-13 30- Black, White and a Kick of Color– fashion editorial. Suzy Shier Little Golden Nuggets of Truth 14-15 Image & The Beauty Buzz 16-17 Coping with Sadness and Grief 18-29 31-33 Interview with the Ambassador of the Freedom & Empowerment Teen Campaign, Aime Hutton 34DIYs for April/May Maroon 5 On Fire 35-43 70- The Writing’s on the Wall– fashion editorial for the guys. Sears Sponsors, Credits and Gratitudes 44-45 71-72 Let’s hear it for our Moms About WE-BE Magazine; 46-47 Back cover previews Hair Tips for Prom and Skin Care from Gente Bella’s Pros Cover Model: 48-69 Boho Country– fashion editorial- SIRENS; a tribute to Poetry Month. Samantha K. Clothes by Suzy Shier. Hair, make-up, and photo by LJP, for WE-BE Magazine