Those Little Golden
Nuggets Of Truth, Found
In The Cheesy Clichés...
Love advice doesn’t always work, but classic quotes like “follow
Nuggets Of
your heart” and “Your heart lies with where your mind wanders”
will not always fix a relationship, but will help you to either work
through a tough time in love, or may help you to search for happiness elsewhere.
It seems that most search for answers outside themselves. It is commonplace to ask others’
opinions and for their advice, which is helpful, but these quotes are saying “look inside and
ponder your own truth”.
No two friends will have the same opinion on your relationship, be-
cause their opinions will be based on their past experiences. Even though this information is
always good to consider, you are the only one who knows what will make you truly happy in
the long run. Our mind and hearts don’t always agree, so it can be difficult to figure out what
we really want.
That’s where the cheese comes in. We look at our
social media sites, read a book about relationship or
something comes to mind when we close our eyes,
as we ponder what our heart desires and up pops
one of those cheesy clichés or cheesy poetic lines
that brings us to our knees in a moment of “That’s
just what my heart needed to hear!”, and