This is what we came away with but I can
guarantee those who watch it will come
away with the feeling that there was so
much more to understand in the way of lessons and topics to think about. One would
have to watch it a few times to absorb every
detail. We enjoyed this movie and interviewing Mr. Austin Vickers very much and wish
him great success with his endeavor to help
those who will benefit from his message and
gift as a movie producer.
Some of the questions we asked Austin during our interview:
OLIVIA & MEGAN: You say you give a practical application to transcend one’s illusions
in your movie, and you have a course you offer called the Trial; can you tell us about
what that is about?
AUSTIN: What we all go through in life is much like a trial, we all have to figure out
Who we are; most people’s issues are internal conflicts of values. You know like– I want
freedom, but I also want to be in relationship. I feel we get blinded by stories or assumptions we make about life that aren’t necessarily true. Life could be a certain way because
of the way we were raised. So self awareness is what I am a big proponent of and teach
– to really learn about who we are and why our mind thinks in a particular way.
OLIVIA & MEGAN: If you were 13 again, knowing what you know now, what would you
do differently?
AUSTIN: I would follow my own
heart more often, do what I felt
was my passion instead of listening
to what others thought I was supposed to do.
OLIVIA & MEGAN: Okay, you’re
still 13 you still know what you
know now, what would you launch
into the world in this time?
AUSTIN: I would have started doing what I am doing right now,
making movies, much earlier in my
life. I know all that I have learned
has brought me to where I am
Megan Praat, Austin Vickers and Olivia Jensen