We Are Venice Magazine: 4th Edition by BGCV BGCV Magazine | Page 54
ummer 2017 was a BLAST
at BGCV! With an average
attendance of 360, we went
on amazing field trips to
Malibu, the California Sci-
ence Center, Mulligan’s
Family Fun Center, Whale
Watching, Runyon Canyon,
and so much more! Each day a dif-
ferent age group was out of the
Club exploring all that L.A. has to
offer and returning with fun stories
of their adventures.
Meanwhile, the groups in-house
worked on art projects, like the
B.U.L.L.Y. Project (Breaking Up La-
bels and Loving Yourself), designing
Snapchat filters with Snap team
members, creating rocket ships made
out of scraps, playing staff versus kids
dodgeball, painting a mural on the
Club’s rooftop with Kayne Anderson
employees, and more. There was
hardly a dull moment!
Dallas Cowboy Orlando Scan-
drick offered two exciting opportuni-
ties for some of the Club Members.
One was the opportunity to attend
the Dallas Cowboy Training Camp in
Oxnard where Club Members got to
see the players practice, and take pic-
tures and get autographs signed by
Orlando Scandrick and Ezekial Elliott.
Orlando and his fiancée Draya
Michele also provided a 3-D Trans-
formers movie premiere opportunity
for some lucky members along with
theater snacks.
This summer the Club was able to
offer sailing and kayaking to members
in fourth grade and up once a week,
which was the highlight of many of
our 4th graders summer! The end of
summer was culminated with our
largest talent show yet, featuring com-
edy acts and “knock knock” jokes,
amazing dances, and beautiful songs
written by our very own Club mem-
bers. Thank you to everyone who sup-
ported and donated to our Summer
Program. It was a huge success!
We Are Venice