t one point in
my life, I was a
pescitarian who did not
eat dairy. Now I am on a
non-dairy lifestyle.
Something you probably
don't know by looking at me, is that I have my
own clothing line. It is Louvier Tatum
(LouvierTatum on instagam or visit www.LouvierTat
umm.com), a combination of my mother & fathers
last name. I started to make my designs in March of
2019, but actually started to sell products in June
2020. My top products are hoodies, though I do
make sweat-suits and shirts. I'm looking forward
to making luxury items in the near future, and
expanding to the restaurant branch as well.
I am an extremely self conscious eater, so
my restaurant will have any food you’ll
get at a typical restaurant, but far
more healthier. Be sure to
check out my clothing line!