WDW Magazine October 2021 | Page 8

BUILD IT DEEPER ! Well , “ deeper ” might not be the right word because we ’ re not talking about a basement in the truest sense . But Magic Kingdom has a whole network of tunnels and facilities that live a floor below where guests walk around to enjoy the park .
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You can see this plaque as you pass under the train station at Magic Kingdom in Florida . The words are from Walt Disney ' s opening day speech at Disneyland .
The Utilidors ( utility corridors ) occupy 9 acres underneath the Magic Kingdom , allowing costumed staff , supplies , and trash to be moved around the park without breaking the illusions “ onstage .”
Inspired by a problem faced in Disneyland where costumed Cast Members would have to walk through lands they didn ’ t “ belong ” in to get to their post for the day , this elegant solution also allows for dining facilities , Cast Member services , and even some costuming to happen right under guests ’ feet without adding to the park ’ s overall footprint .
Read about the Keys to the Kingdom tour on page 24 to learn how you can get a peek inside the Utilidors .
This statue of Roy O . Disney and Minnie Mouse found in Magic Kingdom in Florida is known as the " Sharing the Magic " statue . PHOTO BY MIKE BILLICK
BUILDING ON A LEGACY Walt never walked through a completed Magic Kingdom , but his brother and business partner , Roy O . Disney , made sure that guests would always remember that their flagship resort in Florida started with a man , not a mouse , when he renamed the resort in his honor .
Since Disneyland ’ s opening , the Four Keys have guided Cast Members to operate within the principles of Safety , Courtesy , Show , and Efficiency in all they do to develop cast culture , create guest memories , and provide best-in-class service worldwide .
Just like Walt Disney World improved upon the foundation set by Disneyland , 65 years later in 2021 , Disney introduced the fifth Key , Inclusion , proving that tried and true traditions can blend with a reimagined tomorrow as they welcome all to this happy place .
Disney recently updated its Four Keys ( guiding principles ) with a new Fifth Key , Inclusion . IMAGE COURTESY OF DISNEY