WDW Magazine November 2020 | Page 46

" The riskiest thing we can do is maintain the status quo ."

~ Bob Iger

BOB ’ S WORLD : When Bob Iger speaks the words of this quote , he is standing on the shoulders of Walt Disney , who said , “ We must keep our aim constantly focused on the future .”
Bob ’ s journey did not begin with the Walt Disney Company . He began with a dream to be a news anchor . In fact , he worked as a weatherman early in his career in Ithaca , New York , while he was chasing that dream .
In 1974 , he joined ABC as a studio supervisor . While that may sound glamorous , it only paid about $ 150 a week .
In 1989 , Bob was chosen to be head of ABC
Entertainment . He served in various positions at ABC , eventually acting as President and Chief Operating Officer of Capital Cities / ABC in 1994 .
And then , something magical happened . A bit of pixie dust was sprinkled into the life of Bob Iger , sending him flying into the night sky toward Neverland .
In 1996 , The Walt Disney Company purchased ABC . In 1999 , Iger was named as President of Walt Disney International . In 2000 , he graduated to COO of The