WDW Magazine July 2021 | Page 5

And , of course , the physical experiences created by the machinery of the ride are well-known by astronauts , who train for and expect those physical conditions in their own missions . The multiple-arm centrifuge in the Orange Mission pulls up to 2.5 Gs ( 2.5 times the force of gravity ). For comparison , real astronauts face about 3.2 Gs at launch and about 1.4 Gs on landing , which is to say what you feel on the Orange Mission is pretty close to reality !
Fun fact : The typical human can handle about 5 Gs before passing out .
But all that technology is hidden behind a facade that pulls you into the glorious gestalt of spaceflight before you even enter the ride ’ s queue .
THE GREATEST ADVENTURE IN THE HISTORY OF ( HU ) MANKIND When you approach Mission : SPACE , you ’ ll see its iconic silhouette of a shuttle flying between Earth and Mars against the beautiful blue central Florida skies , which have themselves been the site of so many historical space moments .
While you ’ re still on solid ground , check out the other displays
Mission : SPACE is full of references to actual space missions . PHOTO BY CLIFF WANG
that decorate Planetary Plaza , including replicas of the other planets in our solar system as well as Earth ’ s orbital best friend , the moon . Look closely at those golden spots on the moon : Each represents a real lunar landing !