WDW Magazine December 2016 - 2017 Crowds at WDW | Page 25

LOVE DISNEY WORLD? Perfect For Any Disney Lover! Go ahead - treat yourself, spoil someone you love, or get your Christmas shopping done faster than Santa’s elves with the ultimate gifts for Disney World fans! LL U TA ..? YORI D E. RE ’S A TO DA DO U G H EN BRAN Get Ahead of the Holidays! D NEW ! Dad’s Are You Tall Enough To Ride... 2016 COLLECTION A super fun way to chart your your child’s height and see which Disney World attractions they can ride! Watch them GROW! Christmas Greeting Cards Set of 20! Limited Time Only! The Best of WDW - Volume 1 Get this stunning WDW photography book now - the perfect addition to any Disney Collection! A Must-Have For Disney Fans! 2017 C I NDERELLA C ASTL E WA L L C A L EN DA R 2017 WDW Calendar.indd 1 2016-07-20 10:49 AM 2017 Wall Calendar Back by Popular Demand: Planning Stickers! CLICK HERE to visit The-Best-Of-WDW.com