Placeholder Show
Life is like a box of chocolates and so is the
Placeholder show. Probably one of the
most eclectic shows in the area.
Show Time: Saturdays 5-6 pm
DJ / Host:
Tom Arnel
The Placeholder show is my first regular
show in 23 years. Previously I was a DJ in
the early 1980’s at WASU-FM in Boone,
North Carolina. Back then I did a weekly
jazz show. I’ve been involved with WCOM
since its inception back in 2004. Previously
I have been a substitute for Berkeley
Grimball on The Hook and on Carrboro
Live. Currently I work at Davis Library at
UNC—Chapel Hill and am also involved in
other community related activities.
One of the main reasons for the eclectic
nature of the show is the guest DJ’s. One of
the main goals of the show is for people in
the community to share their music. Guest
DJ’s have ranged from local celebrities such
as Elizabeth Edwards, UNC Women’s
basketball Coach Sylvia Hatchell and Judge
Carl Fox, Will McFarlane, Billy Bragg, Anoop
Desai, Don Dixon, Southern Culture on the
Skids to my own friends. Themes have
ranged from music about trains to a show
of barbershop music. In fact YOU can be a
guest DJ on the show. Just contact me at:
[email protected]..