WCIT Pro Bono & Projects
P&P Steps Out...
ollowing the IT Charities
Survey (conducted in
November 2012) and
in response to the findings that over 70%
of the small-medium charities surveyed
had neither paid nor volunteer IT staff, the
Projects & Pro-Bono Panel (formerly R&L
and now P&P) is teaming with other
IT-centric charities to improve the use
of IT in charities generally.
Emma Steenson (WCIT Journeyman) and Jon Brewer (P&P IT
Working Group member) have successfully delivered the first pro-bono
engagement as part of the pilot phase of the project. Initially, we’re
testing out our approach to ensure that we can develop a scalable and
repeatable model that will bring real value to charities.
Our first engagement was with HighGround a newly-formed charity
which aims to assist in the transition from military to civilian life. It
seeks to do so by the provision of advice to Service Leavers, Reservists
and Veterans about jobs, careers and vocational opportunities in the
land-based sector.
As a recently-formed charity, HighGround had no IT estate to speak of,
and with a move to new offices and plans for expansion and
recruitment they needed to start thinking about their infrastructure.
HighGround approached WCIT for help in defining their requirements,
which they would ultimately use to form the basis of applications for
grant funding for the equipment and services required.
Anna Baker Cresswell, founder of HighGround says:
“I am delighted to have had the opportunity to work with Emma and
Jon and would have no hesitation to suggest that other small charities
who are about to spend significant sums and make long term IT
commitments should use their services.”
We’re grateful to HighGround for participating in this pilot project.
Our early findings on behalf of the IT charity working group are
encouraging and we’ll have further updates as the project progresses. )%