WCIT MONITOR Issue 61 Feb 2014 | Page 4

CHARITY MONITOR The Employment Panel - Royal Signals Mentoring Programme software company delivering a major project to the NATO Communications and Information Agency out in Afghanistan. Without the support from my coach and the WCIT I don't think I would have landed this role for a first job outside the armed forces.” Another senior officer who attended stated: “I found the frank, informed and authoritative advice from members of the WCIT Employment Panel refreshing and invaluable as I prepare to leave the Royal Signals. Indeed, I have frequently quoted insightful comments from the day to friends, family and colleagues about to enter civilian life.” Chairman of the WCIT Employment Panel, Mr Paul Finch, addressing the audience at a coaching event for the Royal Signals at Blandford camp I magine an institutionalised Army officer, long serving, facing the prospect of leaving the warm cocoon of Service life and a future in industry or commerce. He might think he knows how to get a job; after all, how hard can it be? In reality he is ill-equipped and unprepared. Bring on the WCIT Employment Panel who are highly experienced in mentoring and coaching. Ask them to deliver a wide-ranging suite of presentations on CV writing, interview techniques, analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses, and sessions on opening minds to alternatives. Then allocate one of them as a coach/mentor to the officer to guide them through a process of self-examination and identifying personal objectives; but not just for one session, this is for as long as they need, possibly a year or more. A few years ago the Employment Panel began a relationship with Royal Signals providing coaching and mentoring to members of the Royal Signals who are preparing to leave the Army. As has been previously reported in Monitor and Computer Weekly (www.computerweekly.com/ news/2240207713/WCIT-invites-businessesinto-IT-4-Employment-to-support-ex-military) the scheme has supported about 400 members of the Royal Signals since the programme began. Page 4 One officer quotes… “I began the process over a year ago. I remain highly influenced by the presentations and workshops, and I am still in touch with my mentor on a regular basis. I am where I am, happy with an exciting future, in very large measure due to the success of the remarkable WCIT Employment Panel / Royal Signals programme.” Another candidate states: The Panel will run events during the coming year to continue