Thought Leadership in 2014 and Beyond
s a Company we
continually marvel at the
scope and pace of
technological change. We have
instant access today to incredible
amounts of data at lightning
speed. We have witnessed
wondrous advances in medical
robotics and in research to
identify the human genomeneither possible without the
ubiquitous computer.
overview from a moral and ethical
standpoint? This may be better as
a voluntary code than prescriptive
legislation, but should we be
taking a lead to urge for this?
Ubiquity –not such a Mystery Cat(egory)
Ubiquity’s no mystery, in this, our digital age:
Reducing great prolixity, it speeds our turn of page.
To general public bafflement, and Luddites’ deep despair,
To analyse IT completely, Ubiquity’s everywhere.
But we do need electricity to maintain such ubiquity.
Against this background, the
Master is asking Chairmen of our
Panels and outward-facing
Committees to consider what
Ubiquity, ubiquity IT’s nothing like iniquity,
topics might be debated in the
But does possess some dangers through its very close
forthcoming 12 months with a
view to the Company initiating
Take IT for granted and you’ll find it’s all embedded,
However, we have not always
some Thought Leadership and
And soon its pace of change could bring what all have dreaded.
considered the adverse aspects of stimulating national dialogue on
IT; such as the ubiquity of the
important societal iss