WCIT MONITOR Issue 59 May 2013 | Page 8

MONITOR FELLOWSHIP WCIT City Walk M embers of the Company braved the elements on the evening of the 13th March to gather at Farringdon Station for another walk under the guidance of Diane Burstein. cemetery where the grave snatchers mostly worked, providing cadavers to the surgeons in St Barts, before it was made legal for bodies to be donated for research. Newgate was our next port of call, with the Old Bailey beside it: Newgate was one of the gates into the City and the gaol above was where prisoners were held before being executed outside (large numbers of spectators were able to get there from the underground station at Farringdon). Back to the Hall for a delicious supper, which was all the more welcome after the bitter cold outside. Thankfully it hadn’t rained during the tour, but the wind was keen. We are planning a further walk on the 19th June, probably around King’s Cross. Contributed by Peta Walmisley, WCIT Liveryman & Events Panel member WCIT members and guests at St. Bartholomew’s Church It was to Farringdon that the first underground train ran from Paddington 150 years ago and the old station is still there, but faced by a new façade to accommodate Cross Rail. We passed the Castle Public House, with its pawnbroker’s three balls granted by George IV when he had to leave his watch to pay for his drink; the Rookery, now a boutique hotel but still reminiscent of thieves and scoundrels who used to operate from here; and progressed to Charterhouse Square, one of only two enclosed squares in Islington, and Charterhouse, which has been a monastery, hospital, a school and is now a home for retired gentlemen (and a few ladies). On to Smithfield to learn about the meat market which has stood there for centuries, firstly having the cattle driven into the square to be slaughtered and then brought in by train and now by road, with top class efficiency and cleanliness. (The Queen Mother was made an honorary porter.) We viewed the Priory Church of St Bartholomew The Great and reminded Diane that this is the IT Company’s church and then moved round West Smithfield to see St Barts Hospital, with the plaque to Sir William Wallace and the figure of Henry VIII above the gate, although the hospital was chartered by Queen Anne. We saw the statue of a plump little boy, who marks the point where the great fire was turned back by the wind, and the church and Inter-Livery Pancake Race This year’s line-up had pancakes provided by the Cooks, the pans from the Ironmongers, the time keeping from the Clockmakers and the starting gun by the Gunsmiths. Kirstin, as a member of The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, entered into the Ladies race. The 50 yard dash with two "tossings" (between the cones) requires speed, diligence and cunning. In a close run qualifier Kirstin finished a full length ahead of the Furniture Makers and the Fruiterers, and in the final it was a neck and neck against the Farmers. However after penalties were added to the Farmers Kirstin’s tight win was confirmed. The prize, awarded by the Poulters Master, was a first win for the t4?B?BF?R6?W"?G&????GV?V?w&fVB?v???&R?6VB??F?Rt4?B???G&V7W&W26&??WBf?"F?R?V"?&Vf?&RF?RFVfV?6R?bF?RF?F?RF?W2?6R??#B?6??G&?'WFVB'???'7F??GVff?V?B?t4?Bg&VV??b??v??rF?&V7F?"b4T??b??&???rFF?FB??g&???VgC?F?R?7FW"?6?V?w&?C???'7F??GVff?V?B?t4?Bg&VV?????v&B6??F??&R?t4?Bg&VV???7&vf?&B6?VV??t4?B?fW'????v?F?6?W"?G&????g&???VgC???v&B6??F??&R?t4?Bg&VV???F?R?7FW"?6?V?w&?C???'7F??GVff?V?B?t4?Bg&VV???0???&?fRGVW6F??22??7Bv??????rF?R?7BF?&Vf?&RF?R&Vv?????r?b?V?B?F??2?V"?B?2'F?7V?&?V&??B27V6?F?R?F???V???FW"?fW'??6?R&6Rv2?V?B???V"g&VW???r6??F?F???2?F??'G??bF?R6?G?( ?2??R?V?G&VB?BV?v?B?fW'?6????W26??WFR??f?W"6FVv?&?W3?F?R?7FW'2?F?R?fW'??V???F?W2?B??fV?G??&Rv&?VB?B?2??F?6??FW7FVBWfV?B??vR????