WCIT MONITOR Issue 59 May 2013 | Page 12

MONITOR Clerk’s Letter interested in their activities. All of the Companies activities are supported by a small team at the Hall and I would like to take a moment to remind you of the keys roles of these individuals. Hopefully this will help you make contact with the right person. I will start with Eleanor MacGregor who is responsible for designing and producing this newsletter! However her main role is supporting the Charity in its administration, grant-making and fundraising. Rachel Gayle is our Finance Manager; she raises invoices and pays our bills amongst managing the many other important financial processes within the Company’s finances. Elaine Taylor ensures that meetings at the Hall run smoothly, she also works to ensure that every meeting runs efficiently. Mandi Moore, the Assistant Clerk, manages the membership process, plans the Company’s core events and supports the Court and F&GP. Most importantly (to me!) is that Mandi supports me to ensure that the Company works effectively. Finally – what do I do? As Clerk I implement the strategy and plans agreed by the Court. I work closely with the Master and Wardens to ensure that the Company continues to be the amazing organisation that is making such a difference in so many different areas. In two short paragraphs you cannot cover everything that we do but hopefully this simple guide will help you engage with the Hall team more efficiently. Simply put: The Master and Clerk installing Alderman Sir David Wootton into the WCIT Court as Panels Warden. (Photo: Chris Histed, WCIT Court Assistant) A s I write this we are in one of the busiest periods in the Company’s year. Our program is crammed full of interesting events and meetings and frequently members are only aware of some of these. Panels and Committees arrange special interest events and, away from the core Company events, the Events Panel are arranging a broad spectrum of social activities. We are trying to improve our communication of all of these events and the Events Panel will be starting their own separate communications stream for those ? ? ? ? ? Eleanor - Charity Rachel - Finance Elaine - Events Mandi - Membership Mike - Company matters and all of the above if you cannot speak to them! So during this busy period if you have any questions please contact us. Useful contact details can be found on page 11. Contributed by Mike Jenkins, Clerk