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AbilityNet iT4Communities (iT4C) is a strategic partner of the WCIT Charity and the leading national
volunteering programme for IT professionals giving pro bono help to charities. It is a key source of skills to
leverage our charity funds and help from iT4C can make a big difference. We referred 12 charities in 2013 and
gave £7,740 to contribute to their programme of 255 volunteer projects for 159 charities, which included...
esearch Autism provides information about interventions
available to people with autism through their website Carmen King, a parent of a child with
autism, recently posted, "This website is a gem for parents looking
for up-to-date, practical information on where to start tackling
autism ... an amazing resource that will help many families
navigate through the minefield of information available."
An iT4C volunteer integrated an online interface for a new
Friendship Scheme which went on to raise over £10,000. This
support was further leveraged by additional investment in the
charity when the Garfield Weston Foundation gave a large grant
to build on the success of the Friendship Scheme.
arch into
earchlusively dedicated to rese
ity exc
UK char ns in autism
Headway B
lack Countr
Dedicated to
and improv
g life after b
eadway Black Country is a
small but growing charity dedicated to supporting brain injury
survivors, their carers and families. With an income of less than
£200,000 per annum the charity manages to work with over 40
brain injury survivors each week and support about 250 carers/
family members each year.
d their liv
ventrymCy ering people to rebuil
nd e
Helping a
Headway Black Country uses IT in rehabilitation and needed to
extend their use of technology to increase operational efficiency.
However, every £1 spent on systems meant less care for sufferers
and their families. They had to resolve immediate operational
issues to give a firm base for future IT deployment. Five days of
consultancy from an iT4C volunteer was enough to create a
simple IT Strategy, enabling more efficient working and
facilitating the delivery of rehabilitation and support at a range
of locations, saving valu able money.
Tracey realised she needed to make
oventry Cyrenians help homeless,
vulnerable and disadvantaged people to
changes if she wanted to get her son
rebuild their lives and live as independently as possible. They
back...she is now re-engaged in education
support around 1,000 people every year, such as Tracy, who was
asked to leave home when she was 16. Around her 18th birthday
and has her own tenancy...
Tracy realised that she needed to start to make changes if she
wanted to get her son back and keep her unborn baby and is now re-engaged in education and has her own tenancy.
The charity needed a secure and cost-effective way of recording donations, managing data and events. An iT4C volunteer
implemented CiviCRM, a web-based piece of software for constituency relationship management. The saving of £4,000, which
would have been needed for a commercial CRM system, is enough to help another two homeless people.