Ways to Say Goodbye to Plastic Ways to Say Goodbye to Plastic
Ways to Say Goodbye to Plastic
We live in a society obsessed with convenience. This obsession has made plastics royal personage.
The comfort of using plastics no doubt cannot be overlooked. However, the environmental costs of
this reigning polymer may bring about our downfall.
The vandalism caused by one- time-use of plastic products, in particular straws, spoons, glasses,
plates, carry bags is no laughing matter. These are synthetic chemicals that wreck havoc on the
environment that sustain us. Our oceans are becoming little more than sewers for the world’s refuge.
Considering plastic lurks in every nook & corner of our lives, banishing it completely seems
unrealistic & impractical. It is therefore high time that we realize the importance of replacing
petroleum based plastics with eco friendly cousins to save Mother Earth from escalating ecological
The list of eco-friendly products listed here depicts the ease with which we can replace some of the
plastic products. Replacing them can virtually eliminate single use plastic pollution. These include:
1. Cornstarch Products:
Cornstarch products use renewable agrarian derived starch to make bio-plastic polymers that are
further used to make environmental friendly products. These include bowl, food tray, lunch box,
segmented plate, boxes, cutlery etc. The products made from these carbohydrate derivatives are
100% biodegradable, carbon-neutral & compostable at the end of their useful lives.