Waypoint Insurance - Risk & Business Magazine Waypoint Insurance Summer 2020 Magazine | Page 22

GAIN MORE SUCCESS LOSE MORE TO WIN MORE 3 Ways To Increase Your Failure Rate In Order To Toughen Up And Gain More Success Fail more! Fail fast! Fail better! These phrases are spouted endlessly these days but there’s one giant thing missing from the conversation: How. After all, we grew up thinking that less failure equals more success, right? And now here’s the world suddenly telling us to fail more. In my research on resilience for my new book You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle With Failure, and Live an Intentional Life I came across three specific tactics to thoughtfully achieve the “fail fast!” mantra. Today I’m going to lay out these three ways to help accelerate your failure rate and therefore quicken your ability to suss out whether you’re on the right path, when you should turn the other way, and where you should double down. 1. GO TO PARTIES (WHERE YOU DON’T KNOW ANYONE) Success blocks future success. Say you get good at one thing and your brain, like my brain, wants to keep chasing that bunny. You struck oil? Pay dirt! You’re onto something good. The problem is that when you start making it and raking it, you’re also missing out on all the other options, all the other efforts, all the other potential flops that might have led you to even greater success, however you define it. Say you get into real estate in your twenties, you sell a few condos, you feel like you’re really onto something. Great! But that also means you’re going to play the real estate game and maybe never fully realize that had you not quit ballet in your twenties, you might be on Broadway right now. Success blocks future success. The issue here is that when you’re good at one thing, the world conspires to keep you there. To make you stay in your lane. To make you stick to your specialty. That’s nobody’s fault. To move through this volatile, chaotic, and ambiguous and complicated world, we all need mental labels to filter and sort all the people in our lives. “You’re my real estate agent friend!” your friends think. So when you chat with them at birthday parties, it’s about the market and interest rates and when they should sell. All those endless conversations serve to deepen your knowledge in that one area, make you more successful in this one area, and then crystallize your identity even further, making it harder and harder and harder to mentally break out, explore new ground, and try new things. What’s the solution? Go to parties. Where you don’t know anyone. Accept an invite to an event far away, hit a reading by an author you’ve never heard of, grab a ticket to a concert in a genre you never listen to, grab a cocktail at the hotel bar after your flight, attend the online meetup for an old passion you forgot you had—and, of course, go to parties. Will it be awkward? Uncomfortable? Sometimes. Sometimes, sure. You might not meet anyone. You could have three superficial chats and connect with precisely nobody. You may leave feeling as though you just wasted your time. That’s the risk. That’s the downside. That’s the potential for failure. But what’s the potential gain? The potential gain is that you’ll meet interesting people in interesting places. The potential gain is that you’ll drift into other lanes, go down new thinking paths, and you’ll slowly unfurl yourself from whatever mental sleeping bags you’re rolled up in. And maybe your experience will provoke and prompt new ideas, new efforts, new risks, and new ventures that you’ll fail at and learn from. 22