Waypoint Insurance - Risk & Business Magazine Waypoint Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 22


You use job boards but you ’ re overwhelmed with resumes that you know might be hyped , and your hiring success still … sucks , right ? Job boards are flawed but there is one hiring approach that is truly best and most proven : Topgrading . Most of the Topgrading methods are simple , free , and explained in this article .

You ’ ve seen the ads where a manager who complains about spending all day reviewing resumes signs on with a job board that supposedly generates more qualified candidates and saves the manager time . But that doesn ’ t make sense . The job boards give you more resumes to review , not fewer , so you spend more time sorting through them .
And worse than that , the resumes might be fictitious . One study showed 58 % of resumes contained deliberate falsehoods . Every book I ’ m aware of on how to get a job says to lie on your resume , lie in interviews , and if you need to supply references , give the names of your buddies . References , as you know , are usually worthless , so there is no way to verify if candidates conned you . It ’ s socially acceptable for candidates to lie their way into your company . Yikes !
There you have it : hiring sucks because most candidates lie and get away with it . Also , you conduct interviews that don ’ t reveal the really important things you need to know . The result : our decadeslong research with tens of thousands of managers suggests that more than half of all the people you hire turn out to disappoint you . I have met with the Human Resources ( HR ) executives of the largest one hundred companies in the world and they said 80 % of the people they hire turn out to be disappointments . Eighty percent mis-
hires by the most sophisticated companies ! Frustrating , isn ’ t it ?
Now for the good news . The Topgraders in that HR conference said they achieved an 80 % rate of hiring high performers ! General Electric adopted the Topgrading principles and improved its hiring success rate from 25 % to 85 % and became the most valuable company in the world at that time . Hundreds of thousands of managers in the same situation as you have tripled their hiring success . Dozens of CEOs ( TopgradingCaseStudies . com ) have said that Topgrading made their company more successful . In a recent case study , the CEO of E * TRADE said that without Topgrading , the company would have gone under . And Topgrading works for all companies — large and small , all industries , and all over the globe .
How can you “ Topgrade ”? Let ’ s get to the good stuff . Here are the four most important steps in Topgrading :
1 . ADMINISTER THE TOPGRADING “ TRUTH SERUM .” Simply tell candidates before interviewing them that a final step in the hiring process is for them to arrange reference calls with the people you choose ( all bosses in the past ten years , at least ). Low performers and BSers drop out . Good — you don ’ t waste time with them ! If you think this simple approach won ’ t work , think again . Millions of candidates have arranged calls with their ex-bosses and others . We have never — not once — heard of any negative repercussions as a result of the former managers of A Players giving reference calls .
Recruit candidates and , yes , use job boards , but don ’ t expect to save time or hire better people unless you can identify candidates
you don ’ t want to hire . So …
2 . WEED OUT FAKERS AND LOW PERFORMERS WITH THE TOPGRADING SNAPSHOT . This takes you no time at all as it is the candidates who fill out the form . And then you see their Snapshots ( topgrading . com / topgrading-software / what-is-tols /). Scott Clawson , CEO of Culligan , said , “ The Snapshot is amazing ! Even before talking with candidates , you know their full salary history and how all bosses would rate their performance .”
Take just a minute to study the accompanying Snapshot . Since the Topgrading Truth Serum works , the information in the Snapshot is amazingly accurate . For example , the form asks candidates to guess how all their managers would rate their overall performance . Topgraders will learn that those guesses are accurate when they conduct reference calls arranged by the candidate ( step 4 ).
3 . CONDUCT THE FAMOUS TOPGRADING INTERVIEW . It is the most proven , the most revealing interview you will ever do with a candidate ( go to Topgrading . com for a free e-book which discusses , among other things , this interview process ).
The most common interview method is to conduct competency or behavioral interviews and ask questions such as , “ Sue , can you describe a time you were an effective leader ?” Candidates can make up anything , confident that reference checks won ’ t contradict them .
The Topgrading Interview is a chronological interview asking basic questions about every job , starting with the first and coming

Better Than


Boards : Topgrading

22 | SPRING 2017