Waypoint Insurance - Risk & Business Magazine Waypoint Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 15

E . L . F
dreams , drive any car you like , work two days a week , or go on exotic vacations to different places ? Whatever your dream life may be , the good news is that you can achieve your dream if you ’ re willing to take the time to learn how to get it .
Wherever you live , you can see successful people living a life of financial freedom no matter what the state of the economy or where they might be living at the time . These people simply learned what it takes to become financially free , and then they did what it took to make it happen .
Now right away , it ’ s easy to come up with excuses . You can say , “ In my industry , things are tough . In my business , my customers , clients , patients , members , and donors are different . In my area of the country , the economy isn ’ t doing as well .”
Before you let this type of thinking pour cold water over your dreams of financial freedom , just ask yourself , “ Are there people in your industry right now who live near you and are rich or are at least making good money ?” If other people can do it , why can ’ t you ?
Regardless of your present situation , regardless of the economy , regardless of who ’ s the leader of the country , and regardless of your past , you can make a lot more money in your business , and you can do it easily and quickly . You can do it now , and you can do it right where you ’ re living .
Done right , E . L . F . marketing will bring you a crowd of people premotivated , prequalified , preinterested , and predisposed to doing business with you . This marketing sifts , sorts , and screens the people you want to talk to while
BY : JOE POLISH FOUNDER & CREATOR , GENIUSNETWORK . COM ignoring the people you shouldn ’ t be talking to because they don ’ t need or want whatever product or service you ’ re trying to sell .
If you don ’ t do your marketing right , you wind up spending an enormous amount of time talking to people on the phone , electronically , or in person . This takes away time you could be making money by actually delivering your product or service to paying clients . More importantly , you wind up wasting time talking to people who have no interest in whatever it is you ’ re selling .
The goal of E . L . F . Marketing is to put your marketing strategies on autopilot so they consistently and reliably deliver you the right prospects who want to buy what you have to sell . E . L . F . Marketing makes you more sales , which translates into greater profits , less wasted time , and fewer frustrations .
Gary Halbert , one of the greatest copywriters who ever lived , said , “ You ’ re in the arithmetic business .” Whatever business you think you ’ re in , the goal of that business is to make a profit — and profit is only useful to the degree that you can use it . You can have a profitable HALF business , but if you have no time , no joy , and your business is painful , I don ’ t give a damn how much money you make ; that ’ s not an E . L . F . business .
The whole concept of E . L . F . Marketing focuses on maximizing your productivity and maximizing your leverage so you can have an Easy , Lucrative , & Fun business no matter who you are , where you are , what business you ’ re in , or what ’ s going on around you . +
Joe Polish is the founder of Genius Network ® and the new Genius Network ® Podcast which recently reached number # 1 in iTunes . He is President of Piranha Marketing Inc ., and Co-Founder of 10XTalk . com and ILoveMarketing . com , two other highly popular free podcasts on iTunes . To find out more - and get Joe ’ s FREE “ Anatomy of a Successful Business ” Info-Graphic ( plus watch Joe ’ s Ten-Minute Talk on Business Mindset Mastery ) go to GeniusNetwork . com / RiskFree now .




: Overthrow Conventional


Business , Inspire Employees , and Change the World
by : John DiJulius In The Customer Service Revolution , DiJulius points out how numerous companies have made Customer service their biggest competitive advantage , are dominating their industries , and have made price irrelevant . As a result of this Customer service revolution , people are being treated differently , better , and in a way like never before . Can the way you run your business or treat your Customers have an effect on the world at large ?
THE SALES PLAYBOOK : for Hyper Sales Growth
by : Jack Daly As a salesperson , how much time do you spend learning proven sales techniques from your company ’ s Top Producers ? How much time do you spend practicing those techniques in-house , refining them with other team members before taking your final , polished approach on the road ? Same question for you , Sales Managers : How much of your day or week is dedicated to growing your sales team ? How much time do you spend teaching or arranging for the mentoring or practicing of proven sales techniques ? In The Sales Playbook for Hyper Sales Growth , we not only delve into the necessity of developing these processes within a company but also provide valuable techniques , tools , and procedures that sales teams can begin implementing immediately .
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