Wayne Magazine Spring 2023 | Page 6

BUZZWORTHYTo �e cons�dered

�or B���worthy , contact C�ndy Schwe�ch Handler at handler @ northjersey . com
Artist , multiple grant recipient and longtime North Jersey resident �R��R� N�CHT ’ s work can be seen in collections at the Newark Museum , Bowdoin College , Rutgers University , Yale Art Museum and numerous other corporate and public settings . Since Jan . 30 , one of her recycled artist book sculptures has been featured in the exhibit Ink , Press , Repeat� National Juried Printmaking and Book Art Exhibition , anational �uried exhibition of traditional print media and book art by 50 professional artists from across the United States , atWilliam Paterson University� it can be seen there through March 2� . Nacht takes books that otherwise might be discarded and uses them as the raw material for sculptures� these are cut into curling slices and slivers that take the shape of the trees from which they came . “ I have always been interested in recycling , taking something that retains its past , but lives again in atotally new form ,” she says . � For more information , go to irmari . com or wpunj . edu .
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Ever wonder how many different languages are spoken by students enrolled in ���NE �����C �CHOO��� The number may be higher than you ’ d guess� 2� . And the range of those languages ismore varied than in the past . While Arabic , Spanish and Turkish top the list of those most spoken by students who �ualify as English language learners , there are nine students whose first language is Albanian , and 15 whose mother tongue is Chinese . �ther pupils speak �u�arati , Hindi and Telugu , languages native to India . There are 21� students in the �-12 district who are enrolled in ELL education , an increase of 50 students from last year . Most of them , �3� , were not born in the U . S ., says schools superintendent Mark Toback . The latest statistics were presented totrustees in aroutine report on enrollment trends . New Jersey districts tally the numbers each year and send them as part of applications to the state �epartment of Education , which needs them to help determine how much financial aid school systems are entitled to receive .
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Pompton Plains and Wayne
We all know people we ’ d like to thank for working hard and making a difference inour lives . The office of Rep . Mikie Sherrill recently announced alist of NJ-11 Heroes so her constituents could do �ust that . The heroes were chosen from an outpouring of submitted nominations from the community . In our area , two men were honored . �R��N �O�CE , aretired officer and school security guard in Pompton Lakes , was nominated by his co-worker , Sean Hayes . “ He sets up music for the kids during drop-off in the morning , he comes in on his own time to build a garden for the kids at the school , ( and ) he used his own money and time to plant �owers and mulch the beds at the school on weekends ,” says Hayes . �R��N �CH��RT� , founder of IWant To Mow
Your Lawn in Wayne (“ N�������� ,” F��� ���� ), was nominated by his colleague , Jessica Fishman . “ He turned his efforts into an international company that matches uppeople who want to help out with those who need some help , be they wounded warriors , senior citizens , or anyone with atemporary need ,” she says .
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