Wayne Magazine Spring 2023 | Page 17

��� �� ��� ��S�M�N� ( A�o�e ) The Nerdy Basement�s Co-Ed�tor-�n-Ch�e� Edward Pa�an ( le�t ) and O��y Madera ( r��ht ) at med�a day �or Batman Beyond�s 20th ann��ersary at New Yor� Com�c Con 20�9� ( Below ) Madera and the stars o� DC�s Stargirl Y�ette Monreal ( le�t ) and Brec Bass�n�er ( r��ht ) at the New Yor� C�ty �rem�ere o� Black Adam .
and CE� of �C Studios , would be another dream interview . Pedro Pascal ( ��e �anda�orian , ��e �a�t of �� ) would be another one . The dude is so humble and wholesome , and Iwould love to speak to him one-on-one about all of his roles .
W�a���e� a�y�i�a� �ayiny��� �ee� ���� �i�e� Here ’ s abreakdown of my day-to-day� Wake up at �a . m ., and get ready for my �-5 as acustomer service representative . While Iamatwork , Ispend my entire shift bouncing back and forth between my work emails and duties and any and all TNBrelated emails and posting on social media . �nce I ’ m done with work , Icome home to be adad for a few hours ( because my kid goes tosleep around � ) and then right back to working onThe Nerdy Basement for another 2-3 hours , maybe more if Iwant to hate myself more than usual the next morning .
�ne or two days out of that week , we record a podcast episode . Fridays and the weekends are my off days fromThe Nerdy Basement unless there is something super-important to cover . Since everything almost always happens during the week , the weekdays are super busy for me . Rinse , wash , repeat .
W�a���ne��� Continue working towards my goal of making The Nerdy Basement brand my full-time �ob . More reading , more writing , and more en�oying the opportunities I ’ ve been able to create for me and my team through The Nerdy Basement . ■
@ waynemagazine WAYNE MAGAZINE SPRING 2023