Wayne Magazine Spring 2018 | Page 23


Fun in Fitness

Physical trainer Jessica Glazer ’ s inspirational ways win national attention INTERVIEW BY CINDYSCHWEICH HANDLER PHOTOGRAPHYBYANNE-MARIE CARUSO

For as long as she can remember , Wayne native Jessica Glazer has found joy in gymnastics , physical training and teaching both to students of all ages . Her experiences and insights into staying fit recently won her aposition as one of 12 finalists in 2017 ’ s “ America ’ sMost Inspiring Trainer ” competition , conducted by lifestyle publication Well + Good in partnership with ReebokONE , the fitness instructor network . Among the secrets of her success : Turning what can be asolitary struggle into afun bonding experience .

Whereare youfromoriginally ?
Iwas born and raised in Wayne . Iwent to Theunis Dey Elementary School , Schuyler-Colfax Middle School and Wayne Hills High School .
How did you get into gymnastics ?
Iwas one of those kids whocouldn ’ t sit still . My parents enrolled me in gymnastics at age5 , and I lovedit right away . After one year , I joined the pre-team , and then the regular . I started competing at 9 , doing 20-25 hours a week of training . In fourth and fifth grades , I was traveling all over the East Coast for competitions . I joined the high school team just forfun ; we wonAll County acouple years in arow becausewe had a very strong team .
What appealed to you most about gymnastics ?
I loved being upside down , being able to swing and hang , manipulate my body and makeit stronger . I ’ m in my 30s now , and Istill love the same thingsabout it . Imight work on anew skill forsix months or twoyears . Ilove the physical challenge , coming home sore and tired .
Not much has changed .
Whatprompted youtoswitch your focus to physicaltraining ?
JESSICA GLAZER , Age : 33 jessglazer . com
@ jess . glazer ,@ fit . trips facebook . com / glazerjess
By my senior year in high school , I had a ton of injuries . I ’ dfractured two vertebrae , and decided not to pursue gymnastics in college . Meanwhile , I ’ d been working in gyms for years after school . By college , I had a lot of experiencecoaching and training . At the University of Rhode Island , I got certified to teach physical education and health to kids in kindergarten through grade 12 .
During the eight years that you taught elementary school in Bergen County , youhad surgery twice . Howdid that affectyourteaching ?
Both times , I had surgery to have the ligaments reattached to both ankles , and Ihad to teach in a wheelchair three months at a time . Both surgeries happened around Halloween , so I had to think of costumes to go with thechair . Once , Iwas afarmer on atractor , and the other
