Reaching Out
When Duty Calls
Pequannock Volunteer Ladies Auxiliary serves the need
ehind every brave fire-
fighter there is an auxil-
iary of ladies supporting
the department – or at
least that is the case
with the Pequannock
Township Volunteer Fire Company 2.
According to the company’s history
page: A group of men banded togeth-
er on June 21, 1923, to form what is
now the Engine Company No. 2 of
Pequannock Township at Sweetman
Bros. Garage. Organized as an inde-
pendent group, it was incorporated
under New Jersey’s laws and laid the
cornerstone for the current fire
house. Three years later, the Ladies
Aid was formed to help support the
fire company. The group reorganized
in 1930 to form the present-day
Ladies Auxiliary. For the past 87
years, the auxiliary has supported
Company 2, which protects 14,506
people living in the area, for the past
87 years. The company operates out
of one station with five trucks, two
boats and a 5-ton transport vehicle.
What sounds like a large undertak-
ing for a group of volunteers boils
down to a commitment and dedica-
tion these men and women are proud
to be a part of. When duty calls, the
ladies of the auxiliary arrive ready
and prepared to serve according to
current Auxiliary President Sharon
“The Ladies Auxiliary has provided
support during major emergencies
such as hurricanes, flooding and
long-lasting fires,” Snook, 56, of
Pequannock, says. “During the
hurricane in October 2012, we
cooked and provided hospitality for
three days for the firefighters, EMS
and National Guard. And, during
the recent floods, the ladies again
provided food for the crews that
were on duty 24-plus hours.”
A primary focus of the auxiliary
is to raise funds for company
“We have held two successful
tricky trays and we also hosted
three well-attended paint parties,”
Snook says.
In addition to raising funds, the
auxiliary also facilitates some fun.
LADIES NIGHT Auxiliary members gather for a photo at the recent paint party. Among the ladies enjoying a night out are Chrissy Van Sant,
JoAnn Bachorick, Bobbi Jo Murphy, Marion Hook, Betty Schmidt, Tracey Berkenbush, Sharon Snook, Catherine “Penny” Corter and Cindy Little.