It ’ s Time to # AskHer
Join Atlantic Health System in asking the women in your life if they have had their annual mammogram
Did you know that being a womanand getting older are the main risk factors for breast cancer ? One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime . In fact , itremains the second leading causeofcancer death in women .
Thisiswhy breast cancerscreening is so critical . Having ascreening mammogram annuallyisthe best waytodetectbreastcancer , and whenfound early , breastcancer is most easily treated , resulting in better outcomes . Whilethat message has been promoted foryears , life often gets in the way , andmany womendelayorforget to schedule their annual mammogram . This especially holds true today , as regular appointments have at times taken abackseatduring the last few years .
Foregoing an opportunity to detect cancer before it spreads could be dangerous , and forthis reason womenshouldschedule their annual screening mammogram as soon as possible .
Breast cancercan truly affectanyone , so Atlantic Health Systemcreated # AskHer , a campaigntoencourage all of us to reach out to the womeninour lives – mothers , sisters , wives , and friends – and encourage them to make their appointment for an annual mammogram . For the seventh consecutive year , the campaign introducesconversations about the importance of mammograms and has been acall to actiontowomen locally and nationwide .
LydiaNadeau , executive director of Atlantic Health System Cancer Care explains , “ Our moms , our friends and our colleagues arereally important to us and we askthemalot of questions . But we really neverbring intothe conversationthe question : didyou have your mammogram this year ? Weneed to say , you ’ re really important to me andthis is something we should talkabout .”
According to the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ), only5to10percent of breast cancer is hereditary , which meansthatmost womenwho are diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history . Breastcancer risk increases withage , and the greatest risks for breast cancer are beingawoman and getting older . However , whencaught in its earliest stage , breast cancer has asurvivalrate of 99 percent .
Lisa Bash , MD , medicaldirector of The BreastCenter at Atlantic Health System ’ s Chilton Medical Center , says that mammograms are key to screening for breast cancer . Mammograms can detect breast cancer at its earlieststages , before womenfeel alump , and whenitis most treatable . The mortalityfrom breast cancer has decreased by 30 percent sincethe startofscreening mammography in the 1990s . Getting ascreeningmammogram annuallyisastraightforward , safe andinexpensive way forwomen tobe active in theirbreast health . Early detection translates to better outcomes and ultimately saves lives , so womenshould schedule a mammogram every year .
Atlantic Health System is making it even easier for women to scheduleascreening mammogram by offeringonline appointmentsat10locations throughout northern and central New Jersey . Aprescriptionor referral is encouraged but notnecessary for an annualroutine screening mammogram .
Visitatlantichealth . org / askher or call 1-844-343-3540 to learnmore .