Wayne Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 16

Submit your ideas for neighbors neighbors to [email protected] 6 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT Helen LaCarrubba Molecular specialist matches organ donors and recipients LACARRUBBA LOVES WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES IN THE MEDICAL WORLD. Although she always aspired to be a medical professional, she says she’s not the type of person who likes to be in the front and center of the action. “I always thought of myself as way too emotional to be a nurse and actually involved in the daily care of a patient,” she says. “Not that I don’t want to care for the patient, but I felt like I am too emotionally invested in the person and what’s going on with [him or her].” LaCarrubba didn’t grow up knowing much about DNA and medical technol- ogy, but she was fascinated by the field. “[You had to train] on the job, because these tests are so specific and special- ized that we couldn’t learn about them in college,” she says. SHE HAS BEEN AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE LATEST DNA TESTING TECH- NOLOGY. “We have already brought in four new types of DNA testing and, come the beginning of next year, we’re going to be bringing in the next genera- tion of sequencing, which is the very newest test that we can do for a trans- plant,” LaCarrubba says. “There aren’t 14 FALL 2018 WAYNE MAGAZINE LOOKING FOR A MATCH Lab director Dr. Prakash Rao, molecular specialist Helen LaCarrubba and senior lab specialist Dennis Miguel a lot of transplant labs doing it yet.” She hopes that the lab employees will be able to use the test as early as January 2019. HEARING STORIES OF RECIPIENTS AND DONORS THAT HAVE FOUND MATCH- ES BECAUSE OF HER LAB WORK IS AN EMOTIONAL PART OF HER JOB. LaCarrubba has seen the names of some individuals waiting for transplants over and over. She remembers a young mother who waited years for a trans- plant, and was finally able to get an organ; she says that everyone who worked in the lab at the time remem- bers the woman’s name, and that they were overcome with emotion because she was in desperate need. Often, the recipients and donor families come to the staff meetings to share their stories, a practice for which LaCarrubba is grateful. “We’re all thankful that we got to be part of their journey,” she says. “With some lab jobs, you run a sample, and never see who or what or where or why.” Equally poignant is when the donor family comes in to talk about their loved one whose organs were donated, and how they were comforted by the NJ Sharing Network. WHEN LACARRUBBA IS NOT IN THE LAB, SHE RUNS. A RECENT EMPTY NESTER, SHE SAYS SHE WILL HAVE THE TIME TO RUN THE MARINE CORP MARATHON THIS MONTH WITH HER HUSBAND. LaCarrubba and her hus- band, David, started running long dis- tance again since their youngest son graduated high school and started col- lege this year; the last time she partici- pated in a marathon was 25 years ago. In her spare time, she has been watching her three sons play sports, as well as “running short distances, attending boot camp-style classes at a gym and skiing most winters,” she says. LACARRUBBA HAS BEEN TO EVERY NJ SHARING NETWORK 5K CELEBRATION OF LIFE SINCE IT BEGAN. IT IS A WAY FOR HER TO MEET MORE DONOR FAMI- LIES AND TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS. Working and running in the 5K for the past seven years and seeing the partici- pants in their different team shirts inspires LaCarrubba. At times, she even recognizes their names and remembers the organs they received; during the 2017 walk, she was approached by someone whose case she worked on. She likes to stop at some of the tents and ask recipients what their experiences with the NJ Sharing Network were like. AS AN ADVOCATE FOR ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION, LACARRUBBA HOPES TO CONTINUE TO HELP OTHERS BY BEING A DONOR HERSELF. LaCarrubba told her parents and hus- band that if something ever happened to her, they should donate her organs. “It helps somebody else down the line, especially people that we know are waiting,” she says. “I’d like to say that I’ve helped in this area, working here. When it’s the end of my time, I’d like to say that I helped then, too.” ■ A fter Helen LaCarrubba graduat- ed from Farleigh Dickinson University with a degree in med- ical technology, she saw a job posting at the NJ Sharing Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ and tissue donation, for some- one with blood bank experience. The Wayne resident has worked there for the past 21 years. Today, she is a molecular specialist who uses the latest DNA testing technology to facilitate donor-recipient matches. WRITTEN BY MEGAN LUPO