Wayne Magazine Back to School 2023 | Page 31

moved from Totowa to ahome on Ruskin Court in Wayne . They brought with them the family ’ s entire collection of artifacts , most stored in milk crates that are stacked against awall in their two-car garage . Some are neatly lined up on bookshelves in aspare bedroom that Bill , aretired supervisor for the state Motor Vehicle Commission , uses as an office .
The brothers ’ father , who died at 87 years old in March 2000 , was scrupulous . The artifacts that he found were marked with alphanumeric codes , which corresponded to coordinates on aset of maps . Hecatalogued every single piece . The hobby consumed his life , his sons say .
As acurious boy , Rick says he often sneaked alook inside ofhis father ’ s old dentist ’ scabinet . “ You ’ d pull the drawers out ,” hesays , “ and there ’ dbe nothing but arrowheads — nothing but arrowheads , drawer after drawer .”
It began with just one arrowhead . Their father found it , the brothers say , when he hiked at Garret Mountain in 1924 , seven years before the 568-acre expanse became areservation owned by Passaic County . Their father soon began to volunteer at Paterson Museum , now on Market Street , where the brothers say hemet Max Schrabisch , aGerman immigrant and professional archaeologist who taught him everything he knew .
As the collection approaches 100 years old , the brothers say they are wondering what can be done with it to preserve their father ’ slegacy and to honor the indigenous people who scattered the pieces over the area so many generations ago .“ Once this stuff is gone , it ’ sgone ,” Bill says .“ You ’ ll never see it again . It ’ sone in amillion .”
The territory inhabited by the Lenape included all of New Jersey and portions of the Hudson Valley in New York and the LehighValley in Pennsylvania . Bythe latter decades of the 18th century , most of the Lenape were displaced by European settlers . Twoofthe state ’ s three modern-day tribes descended from them .
THRILL OF THE HUNT ( Top ) The brothers in aSussex County cave ; ( right ) Gustav Grotz explores the site of aNative American hut in Pennsylvania .