Wayne Magazine Back-to-School 2018 | Page 30

Q&A a young age. I was 17 when I audi- tioned for The Sound of Music, and feeling that sense of encouragement my whole life, from early on in my community, enabled me to do that. YOU LIVE IN MANHATTAN NOW, BUT YOUR PARENTS ARE STILL IN KINNELON. WHEN YOU’RE HOME, WHAT ARE THE OLD PLACES YOU LIKE TO REVISIT? Lake Reality was the lake I went to as a kid, and my mom still belongs there. We take my daughter there. East of Reality, the deli next door, we go there. I like the drive-through coffee at Longfellow’s. Mostly, we just hang at my parents’ house because it’s so beautiful there. WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON NOW? I’m doing some concerts. I just did a few with my mom [Linda], which was incredible. We did shows at 54 Below, and we were in San Francisco and Indianapolis. I did a couple of episodes of Younger, with Sutton Foster. I know Sutton from Broadway, so it was fun to work with her. We’d never worked together before. It was such a nice set, and it’s always a joy to work on a show that’s 28 BACK TO SCHOOL 2018 MONTCLAIR MAGAZINE BROADWAY VETERAN (Top) Benanti acting in The Wedding Singer; (bottom) Zachary Levi and Benanti embrace during a scene in She Loves Me. THEATRE YOU BASICALLY JUMPED FROM THE KINNELON HIGH SCHOOL STAGE TO PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE TO BROADWAY. HOW HEADY WAS THAT PERIOD WHEN YOU WERE 17, 18, 19, AND ALL OF THIS WAS HAPPENING AT ONCE? It was everything I’d ever dreamed of, everything I’d worked toward. Fortunately, I have wonderful parents who instilled in me the values I still hold today. I was appreciative of the situation. I knew it was rare. I was excited, obviously, because I was achieving my goal at such a young age. But I do think going from living with my parents in a house in Kinnelon to all of a sudden, at 18, living in a studio apartment, was lonely. There was nobody my age, because everybody my age was in college. That was difficult, just in that I didn’t really have a peer group. It took a while to find the wonderful group of friends I have now.